Is it possible to feel beautiful at your maternity session? Listen to what Ella had to say.
“I felt like a goddess!”
Oh, I couldn’t have said it better myself.
When I captured these maternity moments at our Cedar Falls photography studio, Ella felt beautiful. Or in her words “ I felt like a goddess!”

Have you ever felt like skipping a maternity session because you don’t feel your best?
It can feel so overwhelming to be pregnant, in the best possible way. For many of us, it might have been a challenge to conceive. We may have visited fertility specialists or even waded through IVF. So what a blessing it is when you see those 2 pink lines! Motherhood and the maternity season is finally here! On to nine months of preparing to fall in love with your baby for a lifetime.
BUT (why are there so many buts in motherhood?!).

It is also easy to get lost in your pregnancy. Life is precious, yes. But a new life, growing and thriving inside of you? Miraculous! Oh, motherhood. You immediately start to wear your “mom hat” and shove your own needs and wants aside. You might change your diet, your activity level, your vitamins or how you shop. Of course we wouldn’t have it any other way, right? But how wonderful is it when we can celebrate the new life growing inside of us AND celebrate our own womanhood?? While you are in this special season of maternity and motherhood, let’s capture what is so fleeting.
Your body is growing and changing, sometimes rapidly (and in ways we don’t always appreciate), but you are still YOU. Yes, you are a new mom. But guess what? I value YOU, Mama. You are not forgotten. It is one of my goals to help you find your fire again. Before all of the baby showers and growing belly. Before centimeters and dilation. You know that fire. The goddess fire that burns deep within you. Let’s book your glamorous maternity session today.

What is included in my maternity session?
From start to finish you will be pampered. This is an all-inclusive maternity session. I will provide you with hair and makeup services so you can look and feel your absolute best…goddess status!

When should I book my maternity session?
You should book your maternity session between 30 and 34 weeks pregnant. I want you to feel your best, Mama! No 3rd trimester bloating here! We hope that every pregnancy goes full-term, but sometimes babies have other ideas, so it’s important to capture those memories before it’s too late.

What can I expect after my maternity session?
After your maternity session, I will prepare and edit all of your images. Then I create one-of-a-kind, custom artwork and albums for you and your family to enjoy for generations to come. You can spend your valuable time cuddling your new little one. No stress, no fuss. The work is done for you!

Should my significant other come to the session?
If you have a significant other, they can absolutely attend the session with you. As the mama you do so much bonding with your baby internally that a maternity session can be a wonderful way to include your partner in the process. Also, who doesn’t love to see someone take care of a mama to be with absolute selfless love?

What should I wear to my maternity session?
You will have full access to my exclusive, boutique client wardrobe. All tailored to expecting mamas. At your planning appointment, we will create a cohesive look together!
Some of the photos I value the most are of my mother carrying me. It is an opportunity to see her and know her in a whole new way. Mom before motherhood.
Take it from Ella, this is a time in motherhood you won’t want to miss.
“I didn’t think I ever wanted maternity pictures but I’m glad I have them now! Being pregnant is such a short time in your life and it’s fun to look back on what I looked like. Your photos helped me remember how beautiful pregnancy is.”

Ready to book your Maternity Photo Session in Cedar Falls?
Click here to learn more!